My Portion

"My strength and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

stars...i wonder...wats it feels like

b one of them...

mayb i watch 2 much

the princess n the frog movie...eee ;p

but it giv me a flashback...

when im holiday at Mukah...

since...there is not like a city...

so sum place hav no lampost...

it was pitch black...i cant even c myself...

oso we r in d middle of d forest...ahhhh!!!

my uncle suddenly tell all of us...

"whoa...look up..."

frm d car window...

there's onli 2 words in my mind rite nw

NO WAY!!!!

izzit a dream...or jus

many glowing objects...sparkle

above the dark sky...make it

alive as ever...ahhhh

it was d most stars i saw in my whole life...

i jus wish i can snap a picture of it...

so dat i can proove 2 all of u...

how beautiful God's creation is...

haiz...stupid handphone....

d camera so blurry...sigh....

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My name is KT,Leo, Foodie, Wanderlust and a Dreamer. My love: Friends, Family, God. Welcome to my blog!
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